
Monday, October 23, 2006

Bitter Melon

We learned in discussion that Bitter Melon is being used in the Phillipines for helping diabetics get control of their sugar imbalances.

To understand the real cause of diabetes, one only need to turn to our processed, highly refined diet as the cause. The typical diet, devoid of live qualities quickly weakens the pancreas and all supporting organs making one predisposed to becoming a diabetic.

Oh yes, and then the constant weakening of the pancreas through insulin injections.

And then there are the parasites that make their home in diabetics' pancreas.

But really, what is diabetes? Let's break it down - so a hyperglycemic condition "hyper-" excessive and "glycemic" sugar. That's the diet. And then the immune system. Oh yeah, could that be all of the vaccinations and organs that tear apart our immune systems, usually when we are children?

OK, now what about this parasite in the pancreas? Here's a little bit, just to get you thinking:

Pancreas parasites



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